Saturday, September 21, 2013

Swimming with Sea Turtles...and a monk seal!

I had an amazing experience one morning last week when I took some friends who came to visit to swim at Paradise Cove.  There are often sea turtles there and I hoped they would be there that morning and they were!

I have always loved Sea Turtles and it's been a dream of mine to swim with them. Check that off the list!  I have seen them several times since we've been here and came across one swimming laps one morning but nothing like this!

Amazing to be this close to this endangered species!

Our friend Isaac with one of the turtles

Such amazing & gentle creatures.  Not too concerned about us at all & just kind of did their thing.

These cuties enjoyed the Sea Turtles for awhile but then decided sand castles were more fun
And if that wasn't cool enough, after we swam around with the turtles for 30 min or so a monk seal swam into the cove!

A life guard instructed us by megaphone to get out of the water & give the seal it's space.  Isaac's wife Kara & I ran for our cameras & Isaac moved the 3 girls who were right in the path of the monk seal!

Now we know why they have these signs!  You're not allowed to touch, feed or ride the sea turtles or let your dog near a monk seal-signs you don't see posted many places!

The seal looked around for a bit and then swam back out of the cove and we were allowed back in the water.  Monk seals aren't terribly dangerous but they can be if provoked and are an endangered species as well so every precaution is taken.  If a seal comes to rest on the beach a team of people run in & set up rope boundaries and signs so no one gets too close.

After an amazing morning we headed back for lunch via golf cart, the only way to travel here in Ko Olina!  I still can't believe this all happened within walking distance of my house!
Here is a link all about Green Sea Turtles if you're like me and can't get enough of these cool creatures:


  1. That is so cool! I love that first photo with you and the turtle's head out of the water. Awesome shot.

  2. I would be tempted to try and sneek a ride on the turtle. I wouldn't do it, but I would be tempted.

  3. Wendy, I know! I was so happy to have the moment captured because it was amazing! Peter, I totally understand! Especially when one of the really big one swims by...
