Monday, August 12, 2013

Summer Break is officially over...but luckily we live in the land of eternal summer.

Here are some fun pics of the last few weeks.  We have such a wonderful "Ohana" here and we are so thankful for all of them!  I don't have pictures of all of them here but know that we love and appreciate you all!
Aya insisted that I take this picture of her and her friend Grace when our 2 families when to the $1 movie and lunch.

The kids entertained themselves for hours sliding down our back grass hill on cardboard!

More cardboard action! I guess this is how we sled in Hawaii. ;)

Love both of these little boys! So sad one just moved back to the mainland :(

Fun afternoon at the beach with the girls and 2 of their best friends

The swing is still a cool place to be! I love how all of the kids do the shaka  whenever we ask them to pose for a picture!

Aya and her bestie reading Peter Pan together.

Aya all dressed up at the church party.  It was Pioneer Day & so we taught the primary a line dance and had them perform for their families-so hilarious!

Fun little party at the beach for one of our good friends who turned 1!

Still never get tired of those amazing sunsets over the ocean!


  1. Such cute pictures! I love how Malia is holding Aya's arm at the beach. <3

  2. I didn't notice that! So adorable! We have cute girls.

  3. So glad you can live in paradise for a little while. Thanks for staying in touch.
