Monday, June 10, 2013

Manoa Falls Adventure

Once Upon A Time we decided to take a hike...
Here we are gearing up for the journey at the cool little shop & restaurant & the base of the trail(and Aya decided she needed to ride the little stone elephant)

Then off we went into the wild jungle...

And despite me telling Aya at the store that she "needed to go potty now because there aren't potties in the jungle" low and behold we came across this bathroom along the trail!

everything was so green and beautiful!

Many of the episodes of Lost were filmed here

We especially loved the bamboo thickets

As we continued up the mountain the trail got muddier...

and muddier...

and muddier until it was hard not to slip & fall down with each step!

But we finally reached the beautiful 100ft Manoa falls!

Then we headed back down the muddy path...

very carefully until we were back where we started.

We were pretty much covered in mud from the waist down, except for Aya who didn't like the "squishy stuff" and decided she needed to be carried on the way up and on the way down :)

And after a lot of washing off we were clean enough to at least get in the car & drive home to pick up Hana from school.  It took a lot of scrubbing to get all the mud off but it sure was a fun adventure!


  1. I love that hike! We did that when Amelia was little. Love reading about your adventures.

  2. You did this hike, K? How fun. I didn't know that you'd been to Oahu. Don't you want to come back & visit? ;)
