Monday, May 13, 2013

Wonderful Mother's Day!

I love my mom and have been so blessed by her my entire life and still am every day.  I'm so excited for her and my Dad to come and visit us in a few weeks!

Geoff and the girls made the day so nice for me.  They brought me breakfast in bed, kept the house nice and clean for me and at church the girls sang "Families Can Be Together Forever" with the other primary kids for the moms and then all the men sang "There is Sunshine in My Soul Today" for their wives and mothers!  I loved it!  I've always loved when the primary children sang in Sacrament meetings and it's even better when it's my 2 sweet girls up there!  I was one happy Momma.  So wonderful to have the men sing too.

Love my girls so much!

After church after nap time, Geoff made all of us a delicious Japanese dinner!  Such a wonderful husband I have.

Geoff made us chicken katsu, mabudofu, rice and salad-so yummy!

And then it was off to the beach to enjoy the sunset-such a nice Mother's Day!

Sunset at the beach with my family-can't get better than that!

I still can't believe I live here!

Love my boy


  1. Yay for especially wonderful Mother's Days and especially wonderful families! And that looks like an oishii meal! Thanks for sharing the pictures!

  2. Yummy food! I'm glad you had a good Mother's Day. You are such a wonderful mom.
